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Kristian Bush Talks Finding Validation with Fans and Critics as a Solo Artist, New Song “Sing Along” and Producing Lindsay Ell’s New EP

Kristian Bush Talks Finding Validation with Fans and Critics as a Solo Artist, New Song “Sing Along” and Producing Lindsay Ell’s New EP

Jim Casey talks with Kristian Bush about his transition from being a member of a duo—first with Billy Pilgrim and then Sugarland—to being a solo artist, receiving validation for his first solo album, Southern Gravity, from fans and critics, his new song, “Sing Along,” upcoming new album, producing Lindsay Ell’s new EP, Worth the Wait, and more.

Show Participants

  • Kristian Bush
  • Jim Casey, NCD managing editor

Show Notes & Links

The Writers Room, Ep. 80, 16 minutes
photos by Jason Simanek


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