Craig Wayne Boyd and Wife Welcome Baby Son, Graydon Scott

courtesy Boyd Family

Craig Wayne Boyd and Wife Welcome Baby Son, Graydon Scott

Craig Wayne Boyd and his wife, Taylor, welcomed a baby boy to their family over the holidays.

Graydon Scott Boyd was born on Dec. 28 at 10:18 p.m. in Nashville.

Graydon, who weighed 6 lbs., 4 oz., joins older siblings Dakota Lynn, 2, and Jaxson, 5.

“Tay, Jax, Kota, and I are proud to announce that last night Graydon Scott was welcomed into our home and hearts!” said Craig Wayne, in part, in an Instagram post. “The last week of December will forever be a huge week in the Boyd Family!”

Congrats to the Boyd family.

photo courtesy of the Boyd family



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