Research Shows Dog Owners Prefer the Company of Their Pets More Than Friends

The study sampled 2,000 dog owners who admitted they have skipped out on spending time with friend(s) so they could spend quality time with their dog.  Many owners say their pet genuinely helped them get over a breakup or handle the death of a loved one.  Two-thirds of the survey takers credit their dog with helping them to exercise more regularly.   88 percent said their dog made them a better person. 73% say they tell their dog things they wouldn’t tell anyone else.  According to 55 percent of survey takers, “unconditional love” is the biggest benefit of dog ownership.   FULL STORY:  HERE

More than half of dog owners in the United States admit they flake out on social events to hang out with their pet, according to new research.

Posted by FOX 7 Austin on Sunday, January 14, 2018



Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Getting our kids to read in the summer can sometimes be challenging but there are lots of teacher approved ideas and incentive programs available to keep them on track! They can earn game tokens from our Friends at Chuck E Cheese who has tons of rewards ideas for being a good student and a good…