Bring On The Weekend

Friday is here and with another weekend of staying at home, we’ve been researching fun ways for you to celebrate at the house!!

Today is National Cheeseball Day! Its THE perfect excuse to hop in the kitchen and create a yummy treat!

How about a delish Ultimate Bacon Ranch Cheeseball

Spice things up a bit with this Jalapeno Red Pepper Cheeseball recipe

Your kiddos will LOVE this one. Goldfish Crusted Cheeseball Recipe


Pop on your fancy leggings at join John Krasinski for his Some Good News Prom! tonight at 7pm!!!!



How about an art project for your kids? We would love for them to create a thank you note like this one for all of the hard working people that are keeping our world running. Get the scoop here, 


This looks like a fun family project! Chase Rice is looking for for video of you and yours hanging out at home for his next music video. Get the scoop here!

Head to a Broadway musical and watch The Phantom of The Opera


Did you catch the Disney Family Sing Along last night?? It was SO much fun and brought to us by Disney + which I’m confident means they will be airing it again before the weekend passes.

What your plans for the weekend?? We would love to hear from you! Pop on my Facebook Page!



Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Getting our kids to read in the summer can sometimes be challenging but there are lots of teacher approved ideas and incentive programs available to keep them on track! They can earn game tokens from our Friends at Chuck E Cheese who has tons of rewards ideas for being a good student and a good…