Brett Eldredge Joins The Wake Up With The Wolf Show

We so loved having Brett Eldredge on the show this morning. His new album Sunday Drive drops in July! He shared how dropping his fears of feeling vulnerable helped him write some really insightful songs, like his new single Gabrielle. We asked if the woman he wrote the song about is aware and he said he doesn’t now yet, WOW. Can you imagine turning on the radio and hearing this song about you???



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This album wasn’t easy to make, it was scary, it was risking it all And yet very empowering…I had to find the magic back in my life and in my music…I needed to step away and not worry about any other sounds or opinions I was hearing. I needed to listen to my whole damn heart and give it a chance to speak…up til the last couple years, vulnerability has been hard for me…I think sometimes in society we are taught that chasing perfection is what brings happiness…that’s bull shit…letting all your imperfections shine in your life and in my case, your music as well, is what it’s all about…This album SUNDAY DRIVE is my journey of self awareness…I hope today as you get a good little taste of what this album holds, you will find some of yourself in it, let yourself go, roll the windows down in your mind and in your heart and just BE…I love ya….here we go

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Speaking of Vulnerability, I LOVE Brene Brown’s Ted Talk on the subject. It is FULL  its full of life changing perspective!

Have a blessed day and THANK YOU for Waking Up With The Wolf!!!



Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Getting our kids to read in the summer can sometimes be challenging but there are lots of teacher approved ideas and incentive programs available to keep them on track! They can earn game tokens from our Friends at Chuck E Cheese who has tons of rewards ideas for being a good student and a good…