Raleigh Keegan Rolls Forward Into the Holidays with “Blue Christmas”

Raleigh Keegan Rolls Forward Into the Holidays with “Blue Christmas”

Raleigh Keegan recently released his debut album Clocks Roll Forward.

Now as he closes out 2021, Raleigh is giving his fans a musical present heading into the holiday season with his cover of “Blue Christmas.”

Raleigh loves this time of year, “Christmas is my favorite holiday every year because I love Christmas music, Christmas desserts, and Christmas beer (Great Lakes Christmas Ale). It is always fun to see family members that I don’t get to see often because of what I do for a living!”

And he also admits that during the holiday season, Santa’s not the only one loving Christmas cookies, “The kids in my family think Santa eats them, but really it’s me and that works out great for everyone but mostly me.”

Check out Raleigh’s take on “Blue Christmas” here…

Photo Credit: Sean McGee



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