Happy 2022! Did you make a resolution for NYE? Are you going to make a ton of great changes in your life? According to a new survey by Wallet Hub, if you are going to make an NYE resolution and have it actually stick, you need to live in Plano, TX… But is that honor a good thing? Is Plano a city full of absolute go getters or is Waller Hub actually saying that Plano is a town full of no fun?
Why don’t we examine this so called honor for a minute. What are NYE resolutions really? They are positive and healthy life changes that you want to make in your life generally speaking. They are things like, go to sleep early, go out late less, drink less, spend less money shopping, things that we love to and indulge in, but know aren’t healthy for us. So when someone says that your city is the best for keeping resolutions, aren’t they really saying that your town is the easiest to not have fun in? Move to Plano because if you are trying to get more sleep… It’s easy here! We have nothing open late anyway.
Nobody has ever said that Las Vegas is a great city to keep your NYE resolution in… That is the city you go to in order to find a couple resolutions that you need to make when you are living your best life and having fun. This sounds like a challenge to Plano to go out and break your resolutions. Show Wallet Hub that Plano knows how to have a little bit of fun. I mean… It’s spelled Plano… Not Plaino… The City of the After Party.
Here are places to break your resolution in Plano