Yucky weather is on the way…
The City of Fort Worth has an app available to report any storm related issues.
The City of Dallas has shared ideas for a survival kit.
Don’t forget your pets
.Our main concern with the storm is the ice on the roadways Wednesday night going into Thursday because it will cause hazardous travel. If you can work from home Thursday that would be ideal.
-Signing up for your cities emergency alert notifications is a great way to keep up to date on what is happening in your neighborhood.
-Dont forget to remove your garden hoses and turn off your sprinkler systems.
-TxDOT crews will be pretreating bridges and roads so you’ll want to give them room to work if you see them on the roads. Wave at them too, they are working hard and would appreciate the encouragement!
-Oncor field personel and TX Dot staffers will be working long shifts to keep us safe and warm! Y’all be sure to send some good vibes their way as they head out to work!
-With ice in the forecast you might want to put together an emergency supply kit for your car including jumper cables, sand, flashlight, warm clothes, blankets, bottled water and non-perishable snacks.