Stay At Home Game Plan For Your Kiddos

I’ve been doing some research on fun ways to keep my girls minds engaged while we are staying home. My daughters amazing teacher suggested to have them read at least 30 minutes each day!

Thankfully there are tons of fabulous resources to help us guide out angel babies while they are out of the classroom.

I LOVE LOVE this list of ideas (some include quiet time) for learning without really knowing they are learning!

Coy Bowles from The Zac Brown Band is hosting a family party of fun each day at 3pm!

Daily Learning Workbooks

Fort Worth Moms shared this HUGE list of at home fun!

Learning shows from Netflix!

Coding lessons

Learning Experiences from Schloastic

Take virtual tours of our National Parks

Khan Academy has provided a learning outline for each day

My girls and I love to cook together. Raddish Kids has lots of child friendly recipes!

30 Lego Projects!!!!

Drawing Tutorials!

Fun indoor activities!

New York Public Library has TONS of over 300,000 books available online for free!

Josh Gad (our kiddos know him as Olaf is hosting a nightly story time! 

TONS of math websites


I would LOVE to hear the ways you are engaging your children’s minds while y’all are staying home. Stop by my Facebook page and share away!





Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Getting our kids to read in the summer can sometimes be challenging but there are lots of teacher approved ideas and incentive programs available to keep them on track! They can earn game tokens from our Friends at Chuck E Cheese who has tons of rewards ideas for being a good student and a good…