Raleigh Keegan Thinks There’s a Drink For Your Summer Heartbreak

Raleigh Keegan Thinks There’s a Drink For Your Summer Heartbreak

It may just be the start of summer, but Raleigh Keegan already has the song for you when you warm weather fling ends.

Talking about “Drink For That,” he says “I’m incredibly excited for people to hear ‘Drink for That’ because everyone knows that feeling of breaking up with your summer love. There may not be a drink to cure that feeling but this song has a drum line to make you feel better about it!”  

Listen to Raleigh Keegan’s new track, “Drink For That”…

Photo Credit: Sean McGee



Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Getting our kids to read in the summer can sometimes be challenging but there are lots of teacher approved ideas and incentive programs available to keep them on track! They can earn game tokens from our Friends at Chuck E Cheese who has tons of rewards ideas for being a good student and a good…