“It’s nothing short of a miracle” is what Kayla Dahl said to WFAA about their 2yo waking them up to get them out of the house when their living room became engulfed in flames.
Kayla and her husband Nathan were woken up in the middle of the night by their 2yo Brandon who told her “momma hot” and pointing to the living room where he had been sleeping because he was getting over sickness. Kayla and Nathan had just had a bout of Covid-19 rip through their family, so neither had the ability to smell the smoke when the fire started.
With the help of their little super hero, they were able to get out of the house with all of their 5 kids and make it outside unharmed. Nathan is a volunteer fire fighter for Wise County and due to the 30 to 40 mph wind conditions that night was able to tell that this fire was not going to be able to be contained to save their house.
The fire burned their house to the ground and destroyed both of their destroyed. The parents credit their efforts to teach their kids about fire and what to do in case of a fire for their 2yo knowing that fire was not supposed to be in the living room. If you can help them out in their journey to rebuild their life, here is the GOFUNDME