Priscilla Presley Elder Abuse Legal Fight Continues As Lawyer Denies Conspiring With Auctioneer

Priscilla Presley Elder Abuse Legal Fight Continues As Lawyer Denies Conspiring With Auctioneer

Lawyer Lynn Walker Wright has requested that a California judge dismiss her from Priscilla Presley's financial abuse lawsuit. Walker Wright is accused of conspiring with memorabilia auctioneer Brigitte Kruse in an effort to defraud Priscilla Presley out of over $1 million in an alleged elder abuse scheme. The lawyer claims that she never violated her…

Lawyer Lynn Walker Wright has requested that a California judge dismiss her from Priscilla Presley‘s financial abuse lawsuit. Walker Wright is accused of conspiring with memorabilia auctioneer Brigitte Kruse in an effort to defraud Priscilla Presley out of over $1 million in an alleged elder abuse scheme. The lawyer claims that she never violated her legal duty to the ex-wife of Elvis Presley, and submitted new court filings where she “vehemently denies” duping Presley into signing legal documents that Presley alleges were “unconscionable” and financially destructive. Walker Wright once represented Kruse in a separate legal matter before she represented Presley, but she is adamant there was no conflict of interest. Presley claims in her lawsuit that, “Kruse arranged for me to be ‘represented’ by her friend, Lynn Walker Wright. I was isolated from my advisors and asked to sign a series of agreements with little to no explanation of the contents of each agreement.” (Rolling Stone



Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Getting our kids to read in the summer can sometimes be challenging but there are lots of teacher approved ideas and incentive programs available to keep them on track! They can earn game tokens from our Friends at Chuck E Cheese who has tons of rewards ideas for being a good student and a good…