Judge Sentences Animal Abusers to a Taste of Their Own Medicine

This Ohio Judge is an animal lover that started back from his childhood, although he has to stay within the limits of the law.  He has sentenced animal abusers to experience a taste of their own medicine.  His repeat offenders are 10%, whereas the national average is 75%.       MORE STORY:   HERE


  • A woman who dumped 35 kittens in a wooded area was sentenced to spend the night in a wooded area with no food, water. however, security was nearby.

  •  A man who had shot his dog was sentenced to wear a Safety Pup costume and visit local elementary schools as the character.

  • And the below story was covered by the ‘Nightline’ because a woman who left her dog  ‘Moose’ in horrible conditions, starving and covered in filth.  Her sentence was to work in the city dump.

Animal Abuser Sentenced To Garbage Dump

Animal Abuser Sentenced To Stay At Garbage DumpWhen it comes to laying down the law against animal abusers, all too often the punishment feels paltry compared to the crime. But in one case against a woman who made her pet live in squalor, the judge's sentencing seemed more fitting than most.Alyssa Morrow of Ohio pleaded guilty to animal cruelty and neglect for leaving her dog, Moose, trapped inside her filthy home all alone for a week. Rather than putting her behind bars, however, Judge Michael A. Cicconetti ordered her to not only do hard time, but putrid time too — a bit like what she'd put Moose through.Here's a transcript from the sentencing:"You know I can't interpret the feelings of a dog, but boy if dogs could tell you how they felt…" said Judge Cicconetti."Abandoned?" said Morrow."Oh yeah, and scared and frightened and sick," the judge continued. "Maybe you should get a little taste of that, but I'm going to let you have a choice here, and the choice is I want you to live like Moose, and in order to do that I want you to go down to the county dump, to the landfill, and I want them to find the stinkiest smelliest god-awful odor place they can find in that dump and I want you to sit there for 8 hours tomorrow, to think what you did to that dog while you smell the odor."Then he added, "If you puke, you puke."Kudos to Judge Cicconetti!(via ABCNews.com)

Posted by PetFinder.my on Monday, February 6, 2017










Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Getting our kids to read in the summer can sometimes be challenging but there are lots of teacher approved ideas and incentive programs available to keep them on track! They can earn game tokens from our Friends at Chuck E Cheese who has tons of rewards ideas for being a good student and a good…