Category Archives: Home Page Blog Feed

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How to Not Get Hacked on Social Media

How to Not Get Hacked on Social Media

*Here is my hacker story… First though, please activate your 2 factor security on all social and email. Getting hacked on social media can be one of the most frustrating things ever for a number of reasons. First of all, it can make you feel violated and if you lose your accounts permanently, you can…

Quitting Isn’t Losing

Quitting Isn’t Losing

Quitting Isn’t Losing *(Warning: I do talk about the domestic violence I experienced in my first marriage so if that is something that brings up painful memories for you, please don’t continue and I send my love). There has been a lot made about Simone Biles and her pulling out of the 2021 Summer Games…

Jeff Bezos to Space in a Bad Cowboy Hat and Wally Funk the Hero

Jeff Bezos to Space in a Bad Cowboy Hat and Wally Funk the Hero

We learned a lot of things after the Jeff Bezos rocket ship to space in the billionaire space race of 2021. First off… Bezos admitted what we all knew, our pandemic reliance on Amazon Prime financed his trip, he has nobody in his life to tell him he looks bad in a cowboy hat and…

Oof, Y’all!!!!! Look At The New Dictionary Words!

Oof, Y’all!!!!! Look At The New Dictionary Words!

This year’s “new” words have been announced and amongst the 300 new words y’all (“used to direct address usually two or more people, or to one person who represents a family or organization’) is FINALLY officially being acknowledged as a word! Some of the words that stood out to us this year… Zaddy – an…

Destigmatizing Shark Attacks

Destigmatizing Shark Attacks

Today on the morning show, we learned that a group of Australian shark fans are trying to take the negative stigma off of shark attacks by calling them unfavorable shark interactions. They think that it is an unfair thing to put the blame on the sharks since they are not purposefully hurting us when they…

What are the unwritten rules that everyone should follow? My number one is keep your hands off of the coffee creamer that people bring for their coffee at work. There is nothing that ruins your day like going to get a cup of coffee and then finding that someone has killed the end of your…

An Urgent Appeal for Blood: Their Lives Depend on You

An Urgent Appeal for Blood: Their Lives Depend on You

Because of a limited and uncertain blood supply, local hospitals have been forced to make daily decisions about patients’ transfusion needs. This critical situation could put patient lives at risk. Now is the time to step up for Texans who need our help. Walk-ins are welcome, and you can also schedule an appointment online or text us at 800-366-2834.

Cargo Pants are Back in Style!

Cargo Pants are Back in Style!

For all of you guys that have been rocking the cargo pants for decades and getting made fun of by your significant others (until they need you to carry things of course) there is great news for you… According the Rolling Stone, the cargo pants are making a fashion come back. Fashion trends are usually…

Brian was on HLN Talking about the DFW Blackout

Brian was on HLN Talking about the DFW Blackout

Today I had the opportunity to go on the Morning Express with Robin Meade on HLN to talk about the blackouts that we in DFW are all living through during this crippling winter storm. I was without power for around 60hrs and had thee same questions as everyone else… How did this happen and what…

Hurting Your Back and Your Ego at a Kid’s Party

Hurting Your Back and Your Ego at a Kid’s Party

We have all been there… You walk into a kid’s party and you want to be the fun adult. It happened to me this past weekend. I went to a 6th bday party at a trampoline fun world. As soon as I walked in, I completely forgot that I was an adult and not a…



Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Getting our kids to read in the summer can sometimes be challenging but there are lots of teacher approved ideas and incentive programs available to keep them on track! They can earn game tokens from our Friends at Chuck E Cheese who has tons of rewards ideas for being a good student and a good…