Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Wolf Tailgate for the Weekend Show 4.24

The Wolf Tailgate for the Weekend Show 4.24

The Wolf Tailgate for the Weekend Show is a fun FB live show that is hosted by the All New Weekend with the Wolf Show with Brian and Tara and it recaps some of the best callers and topics of the week on the morning show. Stop by, hang out, jump in the comment section,…

Retail To Go Kicks Off Today

Retail To Go Kicks Off Today

Per Governor Abbott’s mandate, Retail To Go kicks off in DFW today, That means you will be able to make purchases online or over the phone and then pick them up curbside at your fav shopping spots.    

Garth Teams Up With The MLB To Feed 4 Million Hungry Kids!

Garth Teams Up With The MLB To Feed 4 Million Hungry Kids!

Garth Brooks has teamed up with more than 50 Major League Baseball players,  including Texas Rangers Elvis Andrus, Kyle Gibson, Lance Lynn and Robinson Chirinos, to raise $1 Million dollars which will provide 4 million meals to students across the country. Learn more about Garth’s Teammates For Kids here! Proud to be a part of…

Your “Blah Blah Blah Day” Wolf Fan Favorite 5 Countdown

Your “Blah Blah Blah Day” Wolf Fan Favorite 5 Countdown

Here’s tonight’s WOLF FAN FAVORITE FIVE, the five most popular songs in North Texas, as chosen by YOU. Vote for your favorite song on Facebook (@995thewolfdfw – @BillBowenRadio)  or Twitter  (@995thewolfdfw – @BillBowen995); e-mail [email protected] or call in your vote, along with your requests or dedications to 888-787-1995.    And be sure to tune in weeknights at 9 when we count ’em down. — Bill Bowen   #995wfff  #StayHome  #WashYourHands  #WeWILLGetThroughThis  #OneDayAtATime 5.  Die From A Broken Heart — Maddie &…

How To Make A Fabric Face Covering

Starting tomorrow, visitors to essential businesses, essential business workers and ribers of public transportation in Dallas County will be required to wear fabric face coverings at all times. Fabric masks, bandanas and handkerchiefs are all acceptable. Click here for a lesson on making a no sew face mask and how to wash it!    …

Your “Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day” Wolf Fan Favorite 5 Countdown

Your “Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day” Wolf Fan Favorite 5 Countdown

Here’s tonight’s WOLF FAN FAVORITE FIVE, the five most popular songs in North Texas, as chosen by YOU. Vote for your favorite song at, or call in your vote, along with your requests or dedications to 888-787-1995, e-mail to [email protected], or get them to me on Facebook (@995thewolfdfw – @BillBowenRadio)  or Twitter  (@995thewolfdfw – @BillBowen995). And be sure to tune in weeknights at 9 when we count ’em down. — Bill Bowen   #995wfff   #StayHome  #WashYourHands  #WeWILLGetThroughThis  #OneDayAtATime 5.  One Big…

Let’s Share The Gratitude Texas!

Let’s Share The Gratitude Texas!

We have a gratitude project for your kiddos!! We would love for them to create a thank you note  for all of the hard working people that are keeping our world running. From medical workers to first responders, truck drivers, railroaders, delivery drivers, dock workers, grocery store stockers & cashiers, warehouse workers, bankers, waste management,…

Welcome To Comfort Food City, Texas

Welcome To Comfort Food City, Texas

The stay at home mandate has us looking for unique ways to keep they days from running into one another . An occasional food indulgence will keep the blues away! We have decided to compile a list of Wolf fans all time favorite comfort foods!!!   Kimberly from Murphy grew up eating  “Doritos Salad” Iceberg lettuce,…

Our Wednesday Night “Checkin’ In” Facebook Live Session

Our Wednesday Night “Checkin’ In” Facebook Live Session

“Checkin’ In Session” 2020-13. Thanks for another GREAT  time hanging out with you tonight!  If you missed it, we talked about the most recent CORONAVIRUS CRAZINESS  (pretty much ALL there is to talk about these days), and how we’re dealing with it (we’re writing the book as we go). It’s good to get together like this, and I LOVE the live interaction we get to…

Your “Take A Wild Guess Day” Wolf Fan Favorite 5 Countdown

Your “Take A Wild Guess Day” Wolf Fan Favorite 5 Countdown

Here’s tonight’s WOLF FAN FAVORITE FIVE, the five most popular songs in North Texas, as chosen by YOU. Vote for your favorite song at, or call in your vote, along with your requests or dedications to 888-787-1995, e-mail to [email protected], or get them to me on Facebook (@995thewolfdfw – @BillBowenRadio)  or Twitter  (@995thewolfdfw – @BillBowen995). And be sure to tune in weeknights at 9 when we count ’em down. — Bill Bowen   #995wfff   #StayHome  #WashYourHands  #WeWILLGetThroughThis  #OneDayAtATime 5.  After A…



Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Getting our kids to read in the summer can sometimes be challenging but there are lots of teacher approved ideas and incentive programs available to keep them on track! They can earn game tokens from our Friends at Chuck E Cheese who has tons of rewards ideas for being a good student and a good…