Category Archives: WUWTWS Blog

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Stay At Home Game  Plan For Your Kiddos

Stay At Home Game Plan For Your Kiddos

I’ve been doing some research on fun ways to keep my girls minds engaged while we are staying home. My daughters amazing teacher suggested to have them read at least 30 minutes each day! Thankfully there are tons of fabulous resources to help us guide out angel babies while they are out of the classroom.…

Finding Out Teaching is Tough the Hard Way

Finding Out Teaching is Tough the Hard Way

Today on the Wake Up with the Wolf Show, we talked to a number of parents who now are forced to homeschool their kids due to the quarantine from the coronavirus and schools being closed and I think a majority of them are learning a lot of things about their kids… And truly how valuable…

Don’t Do Dumb Social Media Challenges During the Coronavirus Quarantine

Don’t Do Dumb Social Media Challenges During the Coronavirus Quarantine

I understand that this coronavirus quarantine has us all staying in doors and looking often to social media for entertainment. I am all for creating interesting and funny content to help both pass my time and help pass the time of others, but please don’t be stupid. Here is a video that I made on…



Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Getting our kids to read in the summer can sometimes be challenging but there are lots of teacher approved ideas and incentive programs available to keep them on track! They can earn game tokens from our Friends at Chuck E Cheese who has tons of rewards ideas for being a good student and a good…