Luke Combs Looks Back On His Failed First Attempt To Go To The Grand Ole Opry

Luke Combs Looks Back On His Failed First Attempt To Go To The Grand Ole Opry

As part of the celebration surrounding the 100th anniversary of the Grand Ole Opry, Luke Combs reflected on his history with the iconic institution. The country superstar recalled his first unsuccessful attempt to attend an Opry show during a college spring break trip to see Ashley Monroe perform. His college roommate’s car issues derailed their…

As part of the celebration surrounding the 100th anniversary of the Grand Ole Opry, Luke Combs reflected on his history with the iconic institution. The country superstar recalled his first unsuccessful attempt to attend an Opry show during a college spring break trip to see Ashley Monroe perform. His college roommate’s car issues derailed their plans and they ended up missing the performance, but Combs connected with Monroe on Twitter to share that he sadly missed her set. “She responded and told me she was doing a signing after the show,” Combs shared. “So I went over and got my album signed. I still have it to this day.” Combs also shared a bold statement he made to Monroe that night. “I told her, ‘One day, I’m going to play the Opry, and I’m going to play with you,’” Combs recalled. “Years later, I actually got to tell her that story for the first time in Maui at the BMI Songwriters Festival, where we were playing together. It was a full-circle moment.” (All Country News)



Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Keep Those Texas Babies Reading

Getting our kids to read in the summer can sometimes be challenging but there are lots of teacher approved ideas and incentive programs available to keep them on track! They can earn game tokens from our Friends at Chuck E Cheese who has tons of rewards ideas for being a good student and a good…